Powering North Carolina’s competitive economy requires a comprehensive, environmentally responsible energy strategy that fosters reliable, predictable and affordable rates and improves access to all available resources, including renewables, solar, wind, geothermal, biomass, natural gas, oil, coal and nuclear power.
North Carolina must advance projects like the Atlantic Coast Pipeline, which will be an economic game-changer for the state. Not only will the 600-mile underground, interstate pipeline support tens of thousands of jobs and generate more than $680 million in economic activity, but it will also enhance the reliable delivery of low-cost natural gas supplies to portions of eastern North Carolina, benefiting both businesses and home owners.
It is equally important that any energy plan looks to the future. North Carolina’s energy dependence is the highest it’s ever been and is quicklly outgrowing the capabilities of our energy grid. We must modernize and protect the energy grid, while also investing in new technology to make our energy more efficient.