Domestic Energy Jobs Act Heads to Governor
The Domestic Energy Jobs Act (Senate Bill 76) has been given final approval in both chambers of the General Assembly, and is now sent to the Governor for his consideration.
SB76 authorizes the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) and the Mining and Energy Commission to begin issuing permits for shale gas exploration and development in 2015, after regulatory and safety standards have been approved by the General Assembly. Additionally, the bill authorizes Gov. McCrory to negotiate a tri-state pact with the governors of Virginia and South Carolina that would urge the federal government to open the east coast for energy exploration. It also creates an Energy Policy Council within DENR.
This is a great step to increase energy production in our state and develop a secure and predictable energy supply, helping facilitate the economic growth necessary for North Carolina to compete on both national and global levels. The North Carolina Chamber has advocated for an “all of the above” energy plan, and applauds the General Assembly’s actions to strengthen our energy infrastructure.