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Bolstering Employer Certainty, Strengthening Workplace Culture

From protecting North Carolina’s right-to-work status to advocating against burdensome and unnecessary employer mandates, the NC Chamber is committed to fighting for policies that bolster certainty for employers and improve engagement within the workplace. We also advocate for workplace cultures that place a keen emphasis on strong diversity, equity, and inclusion practices.

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Challenges and Solutions

North Carolina employers are regularly facing an onslaught of burdensome state regulations and employer mandates that prohibit economic growth and impact business predictability.

At the NC Chamber, we work in the best interest of the North Carolina business community by continuously researching and monitoring regulations and legislative changes, and particularly Occupational Safety and Health rules, that could harm predictable workplace practices for employers. We also advocate for sensible regulations  to ensure the state does not enforce rules that are more stringent than federal laws.

North Carolina also has a longstanding status as a right-to-work (RTW) state. To continue NC’s competitiveness and to enhance the economic prospects of all North Carolinians, the NC Chamber will always advocate to protect our RTW statute.

Related to ensuring strong workplace cultures, the NC Chamber is also committed to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion programming, veterans hiring, and Second Chance initiatives across the state. As community bridge builders, employers are uniquely positioned to model the behavior and philosophies necessary to create a culture of belonging. A resource list of North Carolina minority-owned vendors and suppliers can be found here.

The Agenda

  • View our Legislative Agenda to learn how the NC Chamber will advocate for policies that bolster opportunities for engaged, inclusive, and healthy workplaces this legislative session.
  • Explore our Diverse Supplier Connect event, which leverages and connects North Carolina’s diverse industry with its diverse suppliers.

Join the Effort

Do you want a seat at the table as we work to protect North Carolina’s business climate from job-killing employer mandates and burdensome regulation? Add your voice to our NC Chamber member family today.

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