2014 JOBS Agenda: Education & Talent Supply
As you know, a long-standing mainstay of the North Carolina Chamber’s competitiveness agenda stands on the premise that a prosperous future for North Carolina necessitates a strong education and talent development system that is effective, agile, accountable and continually produces a competitive, world-class workforce. North Carolina Vision 2030, the organized business community’s long-term vision, identifies Education and Talent Supply as the first “Pillar of a Secure Future” – a key area that is critical to the health of your business and essential to drive real economic prosperity and to create good jobs for North Carolinians.
While there have been great steps made in education reform in recent years, we can all agree that there is more to be done. Education, talent development and talent retention remain vital for a secure future, economic growth and good jobs. Using the four pillars as a guidepost, the North Carolina Chamber and its members developed the 2014 JOBS Agenda. Within each pillar, the JOBS Agenda outlines several priorities to create jobs and foster economic prosperity for all North Carolinians. Outlined below are Education and Talent Supply priorities in the 2014 JOBS Agenda.
2014 JOBS Agenda
Pillar 1: Education and Talent Supply:
Ensure Sound Implementation of HIRE Standards:
North Carolina has raised the bar to ensure implementation of college- and career-ready standards in our schools. The NC Chamber is committed to these HIRE Standards – the standards we need to ensure our economy grows, our communities thrive and our students succeed in real, local jobs.
Support Teacher Compensation/Performance/STEM:
The NC Chamber supports strategies to recruit and retain excellent teachers, to require high professional standards with performance-based expectations and to prepare all graduates with a strong foundation.
Align Workforce Development Efforts:
Developing a world-class talent pipeline in North Carolina is critical to our state’s ability to develop, train and retain a globally competitive workforce. The NC Chamber supports strategies to develop a more effective and aligned workforce development system.
Read more about the North Carolina Chamber’s 2014 JOBS Agenda here.
The North Carolina Chamber is committed to advancing the four Pillars of a Secure Future and uniting the business community around a long-term plan to help build North Carolina into an economic powerhouse that attracts and creates the best jobs in the world. I look forward to working with each of you to continue strengthening our state’s education and talent supply system.
Gary J. Salamido
Vice President, Government Affairs
North Carolina Chamber