Oppose Increasing Workers’ Compensation Costs by 4:00 p.m. Today
Harmful legislation is moving through the General Assembly that would raise your workers’ compensation costs – increasing the cost of a job for all North Carolina employers. Senate Bill 101 proposes to more than double the cost for injury or loss of an organ from $20,000 to $41,600 for workers’ compensation claims. Additionally, the bill would annually adjust these benefits based on the Consumer Price Index without consideration to any definition of what an organ is and without any consideration to fairness and the resultant cost to employers through increased premiums.
Senate Bill 101 undermines progress made by the broad-based business community in 2011 to develop fair and balanced workers’ compensation reform.
Call to Action: Senate Bill 101 is expected to be voted on by the House Judiciary B Committee today at 4:00 p.m., and if approved, could move directly to the House floor. Contact committee members and your representative to oppose Senate Bill 101 and oppose making North Carolina jobs cost more!