Governor Signs Bill to Modernize Regulations for NC’s Fast-Growing Economy
Last Friday, Governor McCrory added his signature to the Conference Report on House Bill 795 (SEPA Reform), which takes important steps to modernize regulations impacting new business growth. On behalf of the North Carolina Manufacturers Alliance, the North Carolina Economic Developers Association and the aligned business community of our state, the North Carolina Chamber thanks the Governor and legislative leaders for taking courageous and decisive action to make North Carolina more attractive for economic growth by allowing this vital JOBS Agenda bill to pass into law.
The current State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) – which has not been updated since the 1970’s – requires a lengthy review process in addition to federal approval that exposes businesses to frivolous lawsuits aimed at tying up capital investment projects. This drawn-out and often unnecessary process can add years to the development of new economic opportunities and impede job growth. The version of House Bill 795 passed last week ensures that SEPA approval will only apply to new business construction projects that exceed reasonable acreage and spending thresholds, making our state more attractive for growing businesses and accelerating the creation of new job opportunities for all North Carolinians.
Again, we thank the Governor and leaders in the General Assembly for supporting modernized regulations for our fast-growing state economy by signing House Bill 795. We would also like to extend a special thanks to the North Carolina Manufacturers Alliance and the North Carolina Economic Developers Association for their alignment in helping to advance this growth-boosting bill that enhances the competitiveness of North Carolina’s job creators. The NC Chamber remains committed to fighting for balanced regulations that allow our companies to compete for growth in a modern economy and the passage of House Bill 795 is an important victory in that fight.
Gary J. Salamido
Vice President, Government Affairs
North Carolina Chamber