Thank You for Supporting Continued Job Growth in NC
Earlier this week, and hours before the N.C. House and Senate adjourned for – hopefully – the last time in 2015, important legislation impacting North Carolina’s jobs future was still up for consideration at the General Assembly. The Regulatory Reform Act of 2015 (HB765) was one such bill, with measures that take the smart next steps to further modernize our regulatory climate and set the stage for healthy business growth to continue in North Carolina.
As the House took up the bill, we let House members know that a vote for House Bill 765 was a vote in support of that continued growth, and we encouraged you to send your representative that same message.
Thanks to your quick support, House members heard that message and passed House Bill 765 with strong bipartisan support. We at the NC Chamber appreciate that support and the business community’s continued faith in our voice as a force for business growth in North Carolina. Leaders in the General Assembly should be commended for that support as well, and we encourage Governor McCrory to work quickly to add his signature to House Bill 765 and secure this vital priority for our state’s continued job growth.
Gary J. Salamido
Vice President, Government Affairs
North Carolina Chamber