New Study Highlights Importance of Supply Chain Industries to NC’s Dynamic Economy
A new study conducted by students at NC State University’s Poole College of Management Supply Chain Resource Cooperative (SCRC) has found that supply chain industries fuel the creation of 1,249,800 direct and indirect jobs for North Carolina, a major portion of our total workforce. For job creators who must handle important issues related to supply chain management on a daily basis, the report (North Carolina’s Supply Chain: Conduit for Commerce & Economic Development) reaffirms the dynamic impacts these industries have on our state’s economic engine, and should serve as a reminder to state leaders that maintaining a well-oiled supply chain network is a crucial priority for safeguarding North Carolina’s continued economic competitiveness.
Fortunately, state leaders seem to be taking notice. Dana Magliola, Lindsay Schilleman and John Elliott – the three SCRC Supply Chain Scholars who conducted the study – recently presented their findings to both the North Carolina General Assembly’s Subcommittee on State Logistics and the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals’ Charlotte Roundtable. The students’ report was supported by the Material Handling Institute and interviews with industry experts, and found that in addition to the job creation numbers mentioned above, supply chain industries contribute more than $150 billion to state GDP and produce more than $32 billion in total state and federal tax revenue.
The three SCRC Scholars who carried out the study have been asked to present at the 2016 MODEX Conference next month in Atlanta, a premier summit for the supply chain industry. The report not only helps to underscore the importance of fighting for forward-thinking initiatives like long-term transportation funding reforms; it also provides a perfect example of how engaging students in workforce issues will help prepare them to solve the challenges that emerge in tomorrow’s economy. The NC Chamber applauds these scholars for their diligent work ethic in producing this report.
Gary J. Salamido
Vice President, Government Affairs
North Carolina Chamber