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Participating in MFG DAY Can Help Grow the Talent You Need for Tomorrow’s Workforce

| Manufacturing

With its focus on innovation and its proven ability to evolve with the 21st-Century economy, manufacturing continues to be the largest employer industry in North Carolina. In fact, manufacturing jobs account for more than 10 percent of the total state workforce and nearly 20 percent of the state’s GDP. But due to a growing skills gap that has resulted from too many young workers entering the workforce with outdated skill sets geared toward 20th-century jobs, more than 2 million manufacturing jobs nationwide are at risk of going unfilled over the next decade. With that threat looming, employers in manufacturing and other cutting-edge industries are all asking the same question: how are we going to find, secure, train and retain the talent we need to fill the jobs of tomorrow?

One of the keys to solving this question – as this video from the national co-producers of Manufacturing Day 2016 (MFG DAY) illustrates – is exposing young people early to the exciting career and life opportunities that await in the field of manufacturing. On October 7, this year’s official date for MFG DAY, thousands of manufacturers across the country, including dozens right here in North Carolina, will be doing just that by opening their doors to local communities and students for this annual event celebrating manufacturing’s essential contributions to our economy. And while the official date is set for October 7, any day of the year can be Manufacturing Day for your organization and community.

Studies show that positive exposure to manufacturing makes students twice as likely to pursue a career in the field. That’s why we hope your organization is among the dozens in North Carolina with plans to foster your future workforce by participating in MFG DAY 2016. As the sole state affiliate for the National Association of Manufacturers (one of the major national MFG DAY coordinators), the NC Chamber wants to help you spread the word about your plans with email alerts to our members in your communities. Click here to fill out our MFG DAY survey and let us know how you plan to celebrate this important day.

Don’t yet have plans for MFG DAY? Creating an event is easy and the video above gives you all the tools you’ll need to host a successful MFG DAY celebration of your own. It’s as simple as visiting today to get started today. Together, we look forward to helping you support the next generation of North Carolina manufacturers with MFG DAY 2016!

Gary J. Salamido
Vice President, Government Affairs
North Carolina Chamber