Political Update: How to Vote in 2024 General Election

From Thursday, Oct. 17 through Saturday, Nov. 2, registered voters in North Carolina can cast their votes early for the upcoming general election on Tuesday, Nov. 5. This year’s ballot includes the presidential election, as well as congressional, Council of State, judicial, state legislative, and countywide races. Your vote will shape the future of North Carolina at every level of government.
In the following post, NC Chamber Political Director Kirk O’Steen provides more information on how to participate in the 2024 general election.
Who Can Participate in the General Election?
Everyone registered to vote in North Carolina can participate in the 2024 general election. Not registered to vote? Read below for details on how to register.
How to Find Your Voting Information
The best place to find your voting information is to go to the North Carolina State Board of Elections website’s voter lookup tool.
Enter your name and county to find your voter information. Your voting districts, polling location, voting history, and a sample ballot can be found here.
Note: It is a public record which elections you participated in. However, the candidates you vote for is private.
How to Participate in the General Election
There are three ways to vote in the general election this Fall:
Early Voting: In-person early voting begins on Thursday, Oct. 17 and will continue until Saturday, Nov. 2. Registered voters can vote early at any early voting location in the county in which they are registered. Click here to find the early voting locations closest to you and the hours they are open.
Election Day Voting: Registered voters can vote on Election Day (Tuesday, Nov. 5). Unlike early voting, voters voting on election day must vote at their designated precinct location. You can find your precinct location by looking up your voter registration here.
Absentee Voting: Voters who cannot make it to the polls can request an absentee ballot to vote by mail. The deadline to request an absentee ballot is Tuesday, Oct. 29. Additional information about absentee voting is available here. Absentee ballots must be received by the Board of Elections or dropped off at your precinct polling location by Tuesday, Nov. 5, at 7:30 p.m.
Important Things to Know When Voting
Photo ID: New for the 2024 election, voters will be asked to provide a photo ID to confirm their identity. Additional information, including a list of acceptable photo IDs, is available here.
Note: Voters who do not have a photo ID can get one for free from the State Board of Elections. If you go to the polls without a photo ID, you can still vote by filling out an ID exception form or by casting a provisional ballot and returning to your county board of elections with your photo ID before the county canvass is complete on the second Thursday after the election.
No Photography: In North Carolina, it is illegal to take pictures inside a polling location. This means you should not take a selfie with your ballot.
Sample Ballots: Ballots can be long, and it can be tough to remember all the names of the candidates you want to support. Voters can bring a notepad or print out a sample ballot and bring it to the polls.
Locations: Click here to find the early voting location closest to you.
How to Register to Vote
If you checked your registration and found nothing, maybe you’ve never voted in North Carolina or are not registered. If that’s the case, never fear!
Registering to Vote: Register to vote online, in person at the DMV, or by mail. The deadline for regular voter registration is Friday, Oct. 11.
If you miss the Oct. 11 deadline, you can still register to vote and cast your ballot during the early voting period using Same Day Registration.
Same-Day Registration: You can go to an early voting location in your county and tell them you’d like to register to vote. You will need to attest to your eligibility and provide proof of where you live. Once registered, you can cast your ballot just like everyone else. Additional information is available here.
Note: This does not apply to changing your party affiliation.
Who is Eligible for Voter Registration
According to the North Carolina State Board of Elections, to register to vote in North Carolina, you must be a U.S. citizen, live in the county where you are registering and have resided there for at least 30 days before Election Day, be at least 18 years old or will be by the date of the general election, and not be serving a felony sentence, including any period of probation, post-release supervision, or parole.
If you have questions or are interested in learning more about the NC Chamber Political Program or participating in our voter education efforts, please reach out to Kirk O’Steen.