Ag Allies: Animal Protein: State of the Sector (July 25, 2023)
The third installment of our 2023 Ag Allies webinar series focused on the animal protein sector. Dr. Blake Brown provided an update on the state and future of the protein sector in North Carolina, including recent trends, the drivers behind them, and the outlook for the next few months and beyond. Watch the webinar here.
Ag Allies: It’s All about the Soil (April 18, 2023)
The second NC Chamber Ag Allies webinar of the year focused on the latest developments and trends in the soil health space. Attendees heard from industry expert Sheldon R. Jones, Chief Operating Officer at the Soil Health Institute in Morrisville, NC, an update on soil health, insights into the SHI’s mission, their areas of focus, and key impacts for agriculture and agribusiness. NC-focused discussion followed the presentation. Watch the webinar here.
Ag Allies: Ag Credit Outlook (January 19, 2023)
Ag Allies: ESG 101 and Why It Matters to Agribusiness (May 25, 2022)
What is ESG investing, and why should leaders in the agriculture sector care? What does any of this mean for non-public companies and small suppliers? Is this just a fad, a blip, or an anomaly? Watch this discussion – led by two national experts on the topic – to find out.
Ag Allies: What Every Ag Business Needs to Know about Carbon Markets (February 2, 2022)
The first session in our 2022 Ag Allies Series focused on the latest developments and current issues in carbon markets. What are they? How do they work? What’s the set up and policies for goverment vs. private? And most importantly, what is the status in North Carolina? Attendees got an overview and forecast of what’s to come, followed by NC-focused discussion on potential impacts to agribusinesses statewide, and an opportunity to address specific questions with state and national subject-matter experts. Watch here.
Ag Allies: Latest Developments in Trade (November 30, 2021)
North Carolina growers, retailers, and manufacturers have all been directly impacted by trade in recent years. The next session in NC Chamber’s Ag Allies series featured commodity trade leaders who discussed past trade deals with China and other countries, ongoing issues in trade, and how this will impact the future of our state’s agriculture and agribusiness sector. Ag supporters and industry experts gathered to gain insight into international trade topics, including market data, pricing trends, and supply chain challenges pertaining to tobacco, pork, and other commodities. Watch here.
Ag Allies: Landscape-Shifting Legal Developments (August 18, 2021)
This session in NC Chamber’s Ag Allies webinar series shared insights with North Carolina’s agribusiness and food community on recent legal developments and their impact on the sector. Topics included Proposition 12 litigation, Pacific Legal Institute’s win, and an update on the NC Right to Farm law. Attendees had the opportunity to address legal issues specific to their local business operation. Watch here.
Ag Allies : Forces Behind the Future of Food and Why It Matters to Your Business (May 18, 2021)
The development of sustainable food systems — producing, processing, transporting, and consuming food — has taken a center stage for business leaders and communities worldwide. In addition to North Carolina’s robust agriculture industry, our state’s animal processing and manufacturing sector is the second-largest in the nation. This webinar, presented in collaboration with Melissa San Miguel, Head of Americas and Policy at Red Flag, provided attendees with an overview of the driving forces behind shaping the landscape of food manufacturing, and how it might impact their business. Topics included trends influencing food systems, snapshot and goals of the UN Food Systems Summit, and policy and regulatory predictions. Session concluded with Q&A. Watch here.
Ag Allies: Weather Outlook and Fertilizer Trends (April 13, 2021)
With the rapid rise in global population and continuous changes in the climate, the agribusiness industry has been under a significant pressure, particularly in navigating demands on sustainable food production. To equip leaders in our state’s vital sector with the latest predictions and market indicators to help inform their business strategy, the NC Chamber partnered with Nutrien, an innovator in agriculture, on a webinar: “Ag Allies: Weather Outlook and Fertilizer Trends.” Topics covered weather outlook with forecast tools and resources, and a snapshot of global fertilizer pricing and commodity markets, including China’s impact on grain and fertilizer. Attendees had an opportunity to ask questions on issues impacting their business. Watch here.