Collaboration will be key to the success of the NC Health Talent Alliance partnership between the NC Chamber Foundation and the NC Center on the Workforce for Health. North Carolina is aligned in its commitment to closing the gap on our health care workforce.

“Solving long-term challenges like this one is precisely why the business community created the NC Chamber Foundation,” said Gary J. Salamido, president and CEO of the NC Chamber. “We must always have a focus beyond the next political cycle with an eye on maintaining our state as a top place to live, work, and raise a family. We are thrilled to collaborate with the NC Center on the Workforce for Health to create real change for North Carolina and its health care workforce.”
“This partnership is a tremendous opportunity to connect the health and economic development sectors,” said Kathy Colville, president and CEO of the North Carolina Institute of Medicine. “We will work hard to help local communities identify their shared health workforce needs and build stronger pathways into the workforce.
“It is critical that our workforce solutions align with actual business needs,” said N.C. Commerce Secretary Machelle Baker Sanders. “We know that we need nurses – and they need certificates, credentials, or degrees. But we must also be responsive to other competencies and skills these roles require, and work to ensure alignment. This partnership will do that work.”
“Employers across all industries—both current and those entering the state as a result of expansion or relocation—continue to add new job openings, and if anything, their biggest challenge is how to attract enough qualified applicants for those hiring needs,” said Christopher Chung, CEO of the Economic Development Partnership of North Carolina. “As we tout our state as a healthy place to invest, this partnership will be an important economic development driver – one that not only helps ensure a supply of health care workers but that contributes long-term to a healthy North Carolina workforce.”
“The workforce is rapidly evolving, and our students are our greatest hope for building strong communities and a talent pipeline for a vibrant North Carolina,” said Catherine Truitt, N.C. Superintendent of Public Instruction. “This public-private partnership will be a great step toward ensuring our students are well-prepared to compete for these high-wage, high-demand health care careers.”
“We’re the number one state in the country for business, and if we’re going to keep it that way, we’ve got to have the number one workforce in the country,” said Jeff Cox, president of the NC Community College System. “North Carolina’s community colleges are going to play a critical role in that, and we look forward to collaborating with the Talent Pipeline Management effort to achieve success for the health care workforce.”
“North Carolina is growing and becoming more diverse, and we need a health care workforce ready to meet the changing needs of our state,” said Peter Hans, president of the University of North Carolina System. “Our public colleges and universities play a crucial role in preparing the next generation of health care professionals across North Carolina, and this partnership will help us serve that mission more effectively.”
“Whether it’s in the home, in a long term care facility, or during an emergency – our caregiving workforce supports every person in North Carolina at critical moments,” said NCDHHS Secretary Kody H. Kinsley. “This partnership is a smart investment to build the strong and inclusive caregiving workforce we need to ensure the health of North Carolinians and the health of North Carolina’s economy.”
“As members of the Chamber and the NC DHHS taskforce on Workforce Strategic Leadership, NCICU strongly supports this landmark partnership. We commit to continuing to increase the number of healthcare programs and majors we offer and the number of healthcare professionals we educate to meet the state’s growing needs,” said A. Hope Williams, president of North Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities. “Our campuses award significant numbers of the healthcare degrees in the state and we welcome the partnership with the broader healthcare sector to place those graduates where there is the greatest need across North Carolina.”