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Congress Approves Trade Package to Grow U.S. Jobs

| Manufacturing

In a rare display of bipartisanship, the U.S. Congress yesterday showed a commitment to proactive economic growth by approving a crucial free trade bill. Senators gave final authorization to Trade Promotion Authority (TPA), a suite of measures that will give U.S. companies broader access to foreign markets and allow several important international trade deals to move forward with implementation.

Access to international markets is vital for a healthy U.S. economy; one in four domestic manufacturing jobs depends on exports, while one in three acres of cultivated farmland is intended for consumers overseas. However, that access is currently constrained by too many tariffs and restrictions. TPA streamlines the process by which the President and Congress negotiate and conclude new trade agreements, alleviating restraints on foreign markets and driving economic growth and job creation here at home.

The NC Chamber worked closely with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and other pro-growth organizations at the federal level to encourage the passage of TPA, and we can be sure that our voice was heard in Washington. According to U.S. Chamber President and CEO Thomas J. Donahue, “The business and agriculture community’s near universal support played an important role in the passage of TPA. Members of Congress heard from thousands of small businesses, major exporters with operations across the nation, and firms from every sector – including manufacturers, service providers and agriculture.”

We would like to thank our members who added their voice to the chorus of support for TPA. The NC Chamber continues to fight for policies – both in Raleigh and in Washington – to grow economic opportunities for North Carolina’s businesses and people.

Gary J. Salamido
Vice President, Government Affairs
North Carolina Chamber