Tax Foundation to Visit NC to Talk Competitive Tax Reforms
As you know, the NC Chamber has fought hard in recent sessions to secure a number of competitive tax reforms on behalf of job creators. According to the nonpartisan Tax Foundation those reforms have elevated North Carolina’s overall tax climate to the 14th most competitive nationally (and the 4th most competitive on corporate rates). And next week, Tax Foundation economist Scott Drenkard will join N.C. Senate President Pro Tempore Phil Berger in downtown Raleigh for an after-hours Cocktails & Conversation session to discuss the positive impacts of those competitive reforms on North Carolina’s business climate.
In 2015, the North Carolina Chamber Foundation commissioned the Tax Foundation to release North Carolina Illustrated: A Visual Guide to Tax Reform, an interactive report detailing the past, present and future of competitive tax reforms in North Carolina. The NC Chamber encourages our members to attend this exciting discussion to learn more about how tax reform has benefited North Carolina and find out what state leaders can do to keep our state moving up the competitive leaderboards – and keep more money in the private sector.
The Cocktails & Conversation session will be held on Wednesday, April 27 from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. on the second floor of the Raleigh Times Bar (14 E. Hargett St. in downtown Raleigh). For questions about the event or to RSVP, contact Lexxie Monahan at the Tax Foundation at or 202-464-5109. The NC Chamber remains committed to fighting for additional tax modernization and simplification in 2016. We will keep you updated on our progress as session commences.
Gary J. Salamido
Vice President, Government Affairs
North Carolina Chamber