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Health Care Conference Tickets Discounted One Week Only!


If you’ve been holding off until the last minute, it’s time to register for the 2016 Health Care Conference. Purchase your ticket by Friday, September 2, and receive $50 off the ticket price!

The 2016 Health Care Conference will present findings of an NC Chamber Foundation-commissioned study conducted by The Benfield Group analyzing how best to engage employers in the health care transformation process. In addition, we sought some of the state’s most prominent business leaders and health care influencers to discuss how North Carolina can position itself in the top 10 of America’s Health Rankings, where we currently rank 31st.



Why should you attend?

Information is power: Leave armed with the information necessary to make the best health care purchasing decisions for your business.

Leadership opportunities: You’ll have the chance to sign up for the exclusive group that will be charged with implementing NC’S 100-day plan for health care transformation. This transformation will lower health care costs while improving overall value.

Networking galore: Engage with attendees from notable N.C. companies, including PhRMA, Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina, Eli Lilly and Company, Medical Mutual Insurance Company of North Carolina, UNC Health Care Systems, WakeMed and others.

If not now, when? The NC Chamber believes that our business community is poised to lead North Carolina’s health care transformation. Initiatives in cities and states across the country show us that citizens derive greater quality care for lower costs when employers collaborate with other health care providers, suppliers and purchasers. The potential economic and civic benefits of an improved health care system are endless, and North Carolina cannot afford to wait.

Will you be part of the change? Join the influencers above, along with other health care stakeholders, at the North Carolina Chamber’s 2016 Health Care Conference, September 16, from 8:45 a.m. – 2:45 p.m. at the Sheraton Imperial Hotel and Convention Center in Durham, NC. From now until September 2, take advantage of special pricing and receive $50 off the ticket price.
