Data Breach Legislation Talks Resurface

Attorney General Josh Stein recently released a report detailing North Carolina’s 2018 data breaches and discussed plans to introduce data breach legislation upon the General Assembly’s return. Representative Jason Saine and the attorney general first unveiled plans for this legislation one year ago. You can read more about the announcement and the report here.
The NC Chamber believes that this issue should be addressed at the federal level, so that there is one standard across the country. One definitive law enacted federally would establish protections for consumers across the country and offer legal clarity for businesses, especially those with operations in several states. However, we cannot ignore the possibility of this legislation moving in North Carolina.
Since Attorney General Stein and Representative Saine first proposed legislation, our team has worked with our members and various stakeholders to ensure that any data breach bill protects consumers and shields businesses from unreasonable burdens and liabilities. We will continue these conversations in the weeks and months ahead. If you have any questions or if you would like to share your thoughts on data breach legislation, please contact Jason Soper, director of government affairs.
Gary J. Salamido
Chief Operating Officer and Acting President
NC Chamber