To Keep our Economy Growing, Job Creators Must Focus on Transportation
Did you know that North Carolina would need to carve out another $1.5 billion to $3 billion in annual transportation funding if we hope to see the American Society of Civil Engineers raise our infrastructure rating from a mediocre C to a B or an A? Did you know our failure to modernize our transportation revenue formula costs the average motorist more than a thousand dollars each year from driving on congested, inadequately maintained roads?
These are just some of the findings you can expect to read about in an upcoming NC Chamber Foundation report, Modernizing North Carolina’s Infrastructure Through Sustainable and Diversified Revenue Streams, which was conducted on the Foundation’s behalf by NC State’s Institute for Transportation Research and Education (ITRE). On Thursday, August 27th, we’ll unveil the full report at the Chamber’s virtual Transportation and Infrastructure Summit. Among other solution-oriented goals, the report aims to identify four of the most viable funding options we could use to secure a more sustainable revenue stream for our state. By registering to attend the Summit today, you’ll be among the first to learn about these findings.
Summit attendees will also get the opportunity to learn more about the Chamber’s new transportation coalition, Destination 2030: The Road to a Stronger Transportation Future. With Destination 2030, we’re aiming to build a broad alliance of businesses and economic developers to sustain a multi-year conversation around one important question: How do we create a modernized, diversified transportation revenue formula for North Carolina that’s designed to grow and maintain our network at the pace of our fast-growing population?
In a COVID-19 world, a well-funded transportation network will mean recovery, resiliency, and security for North Carolina’s economy and the people whose jobs depend on it. But we’ll need the support of companies like yours if we hope to turn viable options into real solutions for North Carolina. If you have not already, we encourage you to join the Destination 2030 Coalition today by clicking here and adding your company’s voice to this growing movement.
To learn more about the NC Chamber and NC Chamber Foundation’s focus on transportation issues, check out this recent article from the North State Journal.