Recapping the 2024 Election > What’s Next?

Following this week’s election, the NC Chamber looks forward to working with elected officals and executive branch leaders without regard to party affiliation or background.
North Carolina saw 73% voter turnout with more than 5.6 million votes cast in this election. At the top of the ticket, former President Donald Trump was elected to become the 47th President of the United States, carrying battleground state of North Carolina with slightly more than 50% of the vote, mirroring his 2016 margin in the state. President Trump flipped Anson County, the first GOP candidate to do so since 1972 and also flipped Nash County after losing it in 2020.
Josh Stein won the gubernatorial race by almost 15% and will work with a Council of State that is now a 5-5 spilt. Those include:
- Lieutenant Governor – Rachel Hunt (D)
- Attorney General – Jeff Jackson (D)
- State Auditor – Dave Boliek (R)
- Commissioner of Agriculture – Steve Troxler (R)
- Commissioner of Insurance – Mike Causey (R)
- Commissioner of Labor – Luke Farley (R)
- Secretary of State – Elaine Marshall (D)
- Superintendent of Public Instruction – Mo Green (D)
- State Treasurer – Brad Briner (R)
The NC General Assembly will continue to be led by a Republican majority. In the state Senate, Republicans increased their supermajority by flipping one seat to secure a 31-19 margin. In the state House, the Republicans lost their supermajority by one vote and lead the House by a simple majority of 71-49.
The NC Chamber endorsed seven Jobs Champion candidates who were in very competitive races – they all won. Those include:
- Senator Michael Lee
- Senator Lisa Barnes
- Ashlee Adams (open seat)
- Representative Allen Chesser
- Representative Erin Pare
- Representative Tricia Cotham
- Mike Schietzelt (open seat)
Additionally, the NC Chamber supported NC Supreme Court candidate Jefferson Griffin who was also victorious.
The NC Chamber’s focus is on the opportunities to shape policy when legislators convene between now and the end of the year, as well as approval and launch of our 2025 Legislative Agenda, which is anchored around our pillars of education and workforce, a competitive business climate, and infrastructure and growth. We look forward to working with Governor-elect Stein and his team, as well as members of the NC General Assembly to proactively drive positive change, ensuring that North Carolina is one of the best places in the world to do business. We thank them for their leadership and their service to the great state of North Carolina.