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Destination 2030 Logo

Benefits of Transportation Investments

Costs of Transportation Inaction

NC Per-Mile Investment Ranking

Investments Spur Business Growth

NC Jobs Depend on Transportation

Investments Fuel Job Creation

NC Needs Modernized Solutions


Sample Posts:

The Destination 2030 Coalition is urging state leaders to enact modernized solutions to NC’s transportation challenges. Follow along in March as we highlight the links between #transportation investments and a vibrant economy. #Destination2030 #ncpol #ncga

NC will need to enact modernized #transportation solutions if we aim to build a network that can support our post-pandemic recovery – the NC Chamber-led Destination 2030 Coalition is urging our leaders to do just that. Read more: #Destination2030 #ncga

Historical data demonstrates that every $1 billion invested in NC’s #transportation network generates 14,300 jobs, $10.3 billion in wages, and $10.8 billion in gross state product. Read more: #Destination2030 #ncjobs