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July 2021: North Carolina's Tax Competitiveness: White Paper
Read Articlearrow_forwardNorth Carolina now has one of the most broad-based and competitive tax structures for business in the United States, according to a recent Location Matters survey and newly released white paper from the Tax Foundation and KPMG LLP.
December 2020: Year in Review: 2020 COVID
Read Articlearrow_forwardThe NC Chamber Foundation released Year in Review: 2020 COVID, a reflective research report on the statewide economy during the past year. The publication addresses the demographic, health, and economic effects caused by COVID-19 across our communities, as well as how North Carolina’s response and recovery compare nationally and with other states in the Southeastern region.
August 2020: Modernizing North Carolina's Infrastructure Through Sustainable and Diversified Revenue Streams
Read Articlearrow_forwardThe report identifies four of the most viable funding options to reduce our state’s reliance on the outdated motor fuels tax and charts pathways for their implementation. It also examines several transportation projects that have been completed across the state in recent years to highlight the multiplying effects strategic transportation investments can impart on local economies.
December 2019: Turning Conversations into Action: Health Care Value
Read Articlearrow_forwardThis report highlights important changes in progress and actionable steps companies can take to help make North Carolina a top-ten state for health and health care value.
March 2019: Framework for North Carolina Water Policy
Read Articlearrow_forwardThis report outlines five broad solutions to help North Carolina build water system, operational, financial, and strategic resilience.
May 2018: The Roadmap to Value-Driven Health: Benchmarking Study Results and Implications for North Carolina
Read Articlearrow_forwardThe Roadmap to Value-Driven Health: Benchmarking Study Results and Implications for North Carolina benchmarks initiatives in states and regions that are successfully driving health care value, while also outlining possible next steps for North Carolina to do the same.
August 2017: Roadmap to Career
Read Articlearrow_forwardThis report is a call to action for all stakeholders along the workforce continuum, providing a baseline against which to measure improvements and progress within the education and workforce systems.
May 2017: Environmental Regulatory Competitiveness Benchmarking for North Carolina
Read Articlearrow_forwardIn an effort to analyze the state of North Carolina’s environmental regulatory competitiveness, the NC Chamber Foundation commissioned Environmental Regulatory Competitiveness Benchmarking for North Carolina, conducted by AECOM.
May 2016: NC Chamber Healthcare Strategy Roadmap: Preliminary Report
Read Articlearrow_forwardThis report is the initial effort installment as the NC Chamber Foundation works to build momentum behind our employer-driven Roadmap to Value-Driven Health in order to transform North Carolina into a top-ten state for health care value.
April 2016: Spreading Economic Opportunity Across North Carolina
Read Articlearrow_forwardSpreading Economic Opportunity Across North Carolina offers a broad set of recommendations for North Carolina’s leaders to encourage public-private cooperative efforts that will capitalize on existing opportunities and create new ways to spur economic development in all corners of the state.
December 2016: Technological Unemployment Study
Read Articlearrow_forwardThe NC Chamber Foundation is already considering the future impacts of technological employment on our state. This report compiles a variety of previous research and outlines a number of key questions and considerations to help guide the next steps in this important conversation.
November 2015: North Carolina Illustrated: A Visual Guide to Tax Reform
Read Articlearrow_forwardThis interactive report examines North Carolina’s tax system before and after the 2013 tax reforms, and illustrates how the reforms have repositioned North Carolina’s standing among competitor states.
December 2014: Diversifying Revenues to Improve Commerce and Economic Prosperity
Read Articlearrow_forwardThe NC Chamber Foundation commissioned the Institute for Transportation Research and Education at NC State University to conduct a study to find a solution that provides a diversified, stable and economically efficient revenue model that will meet North Carolina’s long-term transportation needs, as well as address current challenges.
April 2014: North Carolina Workforce System Review and Options for Reform
Read Articlearrow_forwardThe NC Chamber Foundation commissioned Doug Holmes, president of UWC, to conduct an objective evaluation of the current workforce system in North Carolina. The report evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of the current system, federal and state performance measures, and best practices that may be employed to improve the workforce system.
May 2012: North Carolina UI Solvency Study: Observations and Recommendations
Read Articlearrow_forwardAt the beginning of 2013, our state’s employers were facing a $2.6 billion debt to the federal government for North Carolina’s unemployment insurance system. The NC Chamber Foundation commissioned a study to find best practices and realistic opportunities to reform our state’s broke and broken UI system.