North Carolina Updates
On Feb. 17, Gov. Cooper’s office and state health officials announced upcoming changes to mask guidance that will be effective March 7th if the state’s COVID-19 numbers continue to improve. Businesses are advised to continue making the best decisions for themselves, their employees, and their customers.
Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Response in North Carolina (NCDHHS)
This webpage, maintained by N.C. DHHS, offers the most current information and guidance related to COVID-19 in North Carolina, including a section for business and employers
COVID-19 Orders and Directives
This webpage, maintained by the State of North Carolina, provides an up-to-date list of all COVID-19-related orders and directives authorized by the State
Federal Updates
Government Response to Coronavirus (COVID-19)
This webpage, maintained by the United States Government, provides a list of websites and resources detailing various aspects of the federal government’s response to COVID-19