North Carolina Chamber Opposes Reducing Standards for Future Workforce
The North Carolina Chamber opposes the legislation proposed yesterday by the Legislative Research Commission Joint Study Committee on Common Core State Standards due to the uncertainty created by Section Three of the proposal. This section states that the Common Core State Standards would be repealed as of July 1, 2014, putting us back at standards that are not acceptable to the business community. Representing North Carolina job creators, I can say with good authority that North Carolina’s current standards are, in fact, a positive step toward preparing today’s students for the jobs of tomorrow. Read our letter to legislative leaders stating our opposition to the proposed legislation.
To secure our state’s future as a leader in the modern economy, North Carolina must prepare our children to succeed not only in the classroom, but in any community to which they choose to live. The committee’s proposal is not only a step backward for our classrooms but it is a step backward for our manufacturing floors to the research labs and garages where the next big ideas are being born. North Carolina must remain committed to high levels of learning that prepare each student with critical thinking and problem solving skills for the workplaces of tomorrow.
We will continue to keep you updated and provide you the opportunity to reach out to members of the Legislative Review Commission to share your support for these higher standards. Be on the lookout for at Action Alert early next week!
Gary J. Salamido
Vice President, Government Affairs
North Carolina Chamber