The State of North Carolina Business
The NC Chamber and NC Chamber Foundation’s long-term plan for securing our state’s competitive future, North Carolina Vision 2030, was created with input that came directly from our members and others in the statewide business community. And since its implementation began back in 2013, our shared vision has ensured that business leaders are among those in our state driving a forward-thinking, solution-oriented agenda to grow economic opportunities across North Carolina.
To celebrate the progress we have made, the NC Chamber created a special insert, “The State of Business in North Carolina,” set to run in the Triangle Business Journal, Triad Business Journal and Charlotte Business Journal. Anchored around the four “Pillars of a Secure Future” identified in North Carolina Vision 2030, it features insights from leading state economists and thought leaders on the current state of business in North Carolina. It makes a strong case that, as a business community, our priorities are exactly where they should be to keep our state moving forward.
Remember to keep spreading this story about why job creators – and the North Carolinians we create jobs for – have every reason to celebrate the prosperous future we are helping to secure for our state.