North Carolina Chamber Reacts to Passage of House Bill 142
Kate Catlin Payne
(919) 836-1414 (o)
(336) 214-6846 (c)
North Carolina Chamber Reacts to Passage of House Bill 142
State Chamber of Commerce Supportive of Bipartisan Effort
RALEIGH, N.C. – Lew Ebert, president and CEO of the North Carolina Chamber, a nonpartisan business advocacy organization, has issued the following statement regarding House Bill 142.
“The North Carolina Chamber thanks House and Senate leadership and the Governor for coming together to find a solution on a bipartisan basis, we now look forward to returning the focus to issues that will continue to secure North Carolina’s future as a competitive leader for jobs and the economy.”
About the North Carolina Chamber:
The North Carolina Chamber is a nonpartisan business advocacy organization that works in the legislative, regulatory and political arenas to proactively drive positive change to ensure that North Carolina is a leading place in the world to do business. Strengthening the state’s ability to attract, keep and grow jobs is the Chamber’s highest priority. Central to that effort are four “Pillars of a Secure Future” for North Carolina which include Education and Talent Supply, Business Climate, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, and Infrastructure and Growth Leadership. For more information, visit