NC Chamber Speaks at Early Childhood Caucus Press Conference

NC Chamber Director of Government Affairs Debra Derr made the following remarks at the press conference held by the Early Childhood Caucus on March 9. For more information about the NC Chamber’s Coalition on Child Care, click here.
I am Debra Derr, director of government affairs at the NC Chamber, and I am here today on behalf of Gary Salamido, our president and CEO. We want you to know that our state’s business community is aligned.
North Carolina’s employers have identified child care as a critical factor in our state’s workforce challenges. Without access to affordable, safe childcare, a parent cannot go to work. High-quality early care helps families raise healthy, capable children, and build strong communities.
The NC Chamber Coalition on Child Care is working to identify and advance child care funding structures, policy reforms, and innovations. It is time to reimagine this critical infrastructure. Solutions such as public-private partnerships and modernization of regulations that do not undermine safety and quality must be considered. Let us not be encumbered by the way we have always done things.
The business community is engaged as we work together to find a North Carolina solution to investing in our state’s future.
Media Coverage of the Press Conference
March 10, 2023
The News & Observer: 5 ways NC Democrats and Republicans are working together on the child care crisis
March 10, 2023
The Center Square | North Carolina: The job: Putting together a workforce that relies on child care
March 9, 2023
WUNC: Shortage of child care options prompts new NC legislation
March 9, 2023
Spectrum News 1: Child care concerns in North Carolina
March 9, 2023
WRAL: Bills aim to fund, reform NC’s child care system
March 9, 2023
EdNC: Early childhood caucus shares priorities, including $300 million child care request
March 9, 2023
CBS 17: NC lawmakers say childcare system is nearing ‘a cliff’ as centers struggle to hire employees
March 9, 2023
FOX 8: Proposed law could help fix the approaching child care ‘cliff’ in North Carolina