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Ready to Engage with Us?

There is no doubt that North Carolina’s legal environment plays a key role in determining the health of our overall business climate. The NC Chamber Legal Institute (CLI) is here to ensure job creators have a strong voice speaking up for their interests on these and other issues:

  • Attacks on statutory non-economic damage limits
  • Efforts to unravel workers’ compensation reforms
  • Pursuit of nuisance litigation and right-to-farm challenges
  • Attempts to use environmental statutes to achieve anti-business policy
  • Attacks on privacy and data security protections in the courts
  • Efforts to use financing and third-party financing to oppose business interests
  • Coordinated efforts to undo consensus policy outcomes achieved elsewhere
  • Attacks on COVID-19 liability protections
  • Attempts to invalidate arbitration clause enforceability

Benefits of Engaging with the NC Chamber Legal Institute

By investing in the CLI, your organization can add a valuable asset to your legal risk-management portfolio. Each individual investment also broadens the pro-business impact on legal issues in which the CLI intervenes. There is strength in numbers, and our state’s job creators have better representation in the legal arena when we present a united front.

Contact Legal Institute President Ray Starling or complete the form below to learn more about involvement with the Chamber Legal Institute. Scroll below to view the benefits.

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CLI Membership Benefits

Brand visibility through opportunities to serve on the CLI Board or Advisory Council, to serve as a content expert in your area of practice within your company or firm, or to serve as listed counsel for a defined subject area
Increased influence in shaping policy in the courts
Ability to submit cases for consideration for either CLI-sponsored amicus briefs or litigation engagement
Ability to submit regulatory issues for public comment and consideration
Exclusive invitations to expert briefings focused on the intersection of public policy and the practice of law