We Mean Business > Lingering Legislative Priorities
With crossover behind us, the NC Chamber is focused on its remaining priorities for this legislative session. Achieving consistent recognition as a top state to live and work is a deliberate process, and we are proud to be at the forefront of that work.
We need competitiveness in education and talent supply, business climate, and infrastructure if we want to be able to continue to attract investment in North Carolina and its people. Our team will be aggressively pushing the following policies in the coming weeks.
Expand North Carolina’s Workforce
North Carolina’s employers have identified child care as a critical factor in our state’s workforce challenges. The NC Chamber is working to identify and advance child care funding structures, policy reforms, and innovations that do not undermine safety and quality.
Immigration has long been a limiting factor to our state’s workforce challenges and the NC Chamber supports balanced reforms, like those proposed in S683/H767 Expanding Workforce and Education Act.
Support Efficient Permitting, Reduce Delays
As one of the fastest growing states in the nation, North Carolina must build better. Regulatory delays hurt economic development; our state’s job creators need a predictable permitting process.
Eliminate North Carolina’s Regressive Franchise Tax
We must stop penalizing businesses for tangible investments in our state. We want our tax rates, both personal and corporate, to be the most competitive. Right now, the biggest challenge to that is our franchise tax and we will continue to advocate for its elimination.
Modernize the Transportation Funding Structure
Now is the time to continue the bold work of transportation revenue modernization. The days of the gas tax funding our roads are numbered, and a well-funded transportation network means more high-quality jobs for our state.
Learn more about our priorities through our full 2023 Legislative Agenda.