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What Do You Get from a Successful Workforce Program?

Applications to join the TPM Academy of NC are now open! Learn how to implement TPM in your community to solve specific workforce challenges—apply today.

Business is booming in North Carolina, but employers’ struggles to find skilled, qualified talent to fill open positions threaten to grind that progress to a halt. That’s why the NC Chamber Foundation is launching the Talent Pipeline Management program, an employer-led, data-driven approach to solving the skills gap. This nationally recognized program has transformed workforce pipelines in several other states, and it all starts with developing local and regional leadership with the skills to implement the framework in their areas.

You can read more about the process involved here, but today we wanted to focus on the bottom line: when we implement TPM in North Carolina, what do you get for joining the TPM community?

A network of trained workforce development professionals
These professionals will be deployed throughout the state with the skills to form working groups or collaboratives and guide those groups through a structured process to solve a specific workforce need.

Groups of employers working together to solve a shared workforce challenge
Employer collaboratives are groups of 3-15 business leaders from the same industry, dealing with similar workforce challenges. Groups will be led by a TPM-trained facilitator to quantify their specific workforce needs, develop shared language for what they need and identify the right talent providers.

Partnerships between education & business
Part of the TPM curriculum helps businesses find the right sources of talent for their needs – including community colleges, universities, or even organizations like staffing agencies. When businesses come together to develop the shared language around which skills and jobs they need, they are able to more clearly communicate with the providers of talent.

The bottom line: The TPM curriculum helps businesses and education providers use data and shared language to create or improve career pathways. That means you’ll get a better pipeline of talent from education providers to your open jobs. 

We’re currently accepting applications for individuals who want to develop the skills necessary to launch TPM in their communities – learn more and apply here.


Gary J. Salamido
President, NC Chamber Foundation